Houses & The Student Council
To instill qualities of leadership and responsibility among students, we elect the Student Council for each session through an extensive process. Students get an opportunity to enhance their leadership skills by shouldering responsibility as a part of the school student council. In the process, students are groomed in their communication skills, team work and organizational skills at a younger age.
Four houses, each named after a tree-
are led by their House Captains who take care of all Inter House Activities. The school council is elected through elections in which the students cast votes to elect their representatives.
Council Members (2024-25)

Council Members
To instill qualities of leadership and responsibility among students, we elect the Student Council for each session through an extensive process. Students get an opportunity to enhance their leadership skills by shouldering responsibility as a part of the school student council. In the process, students are groomed in their communication skills, team work and organizational skills at a younger age.
Head Boy - Ineshvir Singh Khurana
Deputy Head Boy - Madhav
Head Girl - Kangan Khuman
Deputy Head Girl - Noor Kainth
“Together we stand, together we are tall.
All for one and one for all.”
The colour of the house is blue, which represents communication and self-expression and induces calm and peace. Aspen symbolizes the strength of people who are diverse but unite for a purpose. It also symbolizes wisdom, intellect, trust and responsibility.
“We will not rest till good becomes
better and better becomes best.”
The colour of the house is green which represents the colour of nature and life. The evergreen cedar adds colour throughout the year. Cedar symbolizes self respect, well being and harmony. A cedar person is fond of learning and likes to grow and reach higher realms of knowledge.
“Fly high, touch the sky, dare to dream, cheer extreme!”
The colour of the house is red and represents the element of fire. Red signifies courage, liberation, passion and excitement. Maple symbolizes a person full of ambition, imagination, pride, self confidence and one who strives for excellence.
“Oak in the forest towers with might,
bravely stands for what is right.”
The colour of the house is yellow which represents the colour of mind and intellect. Yellow is uplifting and illuminating and offers hope and happiness to all. Oak symbolizes sovereignty, power, endurance, generosity, justice and bravery.